Posts — retain moisture
Moisturizing For Beginners
Posted by Main Admin on

Keeping natural hair comes with its own set of rules and regulations. Due to how dry natural hair is, one way of keeping it healthy is to moisturize it. To properly grasp this concept, moisture is synonymous to hydration or in simple terms, water. Now that this is out of the way, let's delve into moisturizing natural hair. Use Water Water is your friend as a naturalista. Your hair needs water. Don't shy away from it. A lot of naturalistas have low porosity hair, especially 4C hair. This means that water takes a longer time to penetrate the hair shaft but...
- Tags: 4C hair, bad hair practices, brittle hair, coily hair, curly hair, damaged hair, dry hair, good hair practices, Hair, hair breakage, hair care, hair damage, hair facts, hair loss, hydrate, moisturize, retain moisture
Knowing Your Hair Porosity
Posted by Main Admin on

Does your hair easily lose its moisture? Or perhaps, no amount of product is able to penetrate your hair shaft. This is where hair porosity comes to play. In simple terms, hair porosity is how your hair absorbs and retains water/moisture. Knowing your hair porosity will do you good as it steers you in the direction of growing healthy hair. Types of hair porosity Essentially, there are three types of hair porosity - low, medium and high. Low porosity means the hair is unable to soak up moisture easily and tends to be dry oftentimes. Water usually settles on the hair shaft to form water...
- Tags: 4C hair, coily hair, curly hair, Deep Condition, deep conditioning, detangling, detangling conditioner, heavy oils, high porosity, leave in conditioner, light oils, loose curls, low porosity, medium porosity, porosity, porous, retain moisture, tight curls
Moisturizing Your Hair During The Harmattan
Posted by Main Admin on

Moisturizing your hair during regular days is a big deal. It's an even bigger deal moisturizing your hair during the harmattan. There's a big misconception that once you protect your hair in braids, you have to go to bed and ignore your hair. This is time for a rude awakening. Ready? Moisturize every day Whether you are in braids or not, moisturizing your hair during the harmattan is a must. Doing so daily helps in improving the health of your hair. It makes it less susceptible to breakage and dryness. Apply your Aloe Vera Hair Mist or Hair and Scalp...
- Tags: African threading, air dry, bad hair practices, bleached hair, blow dry, blowdry, blowdrying, braiding, breakage, brittle hair, caring for braids, chunky twists, damaged hair, Deep Condition, detangling brush, dry scalp set, Eya Salon and Spa, Eya Spa, eyanista, good hair practices, Hair Growth, hair growth oil, hair inspiration, hair loss, harmattan, moisturize, retain moisture