Posts — wide tooth comb
Natural Hair Tools You Need In Your Tool Box
Posted by Main Admin on

Apart from genes and great products, the tools you use on your hair plays a key role in its general health. As a naturalista and an eyanista for that matter, there are some hair care tools you should definitely have in your toolbox. Not only do they make taking care of the hair easier but fun as well. Wide tooth comb This is a giving. You really need to have a wide tooth comb in your tool box. Why? It makes the detangling process smoother and simpler. Plus, you lose little to no hair at all compared to using other...
- Tags: African naturals, African threading, air dry, almond oil, Aloe Vera, bad hair practices, big chop, bleach, bobby pins, bonnet, braiding, chunky twists, detangling brush, leave in, light oils, moisturize, natural hair, natural hair care, natural hair oils, natural hair products, natural oils, protein, shower cap, silk bonnet, wide tooth comb