Posts — big chop
Stop Damaging Your Hair With These Practices
Posted by Main Admin on

Healthy hair doesn't happen by chance. The fixation on the length of hair instead of its health is worrying. Just like anything, if you do take care of your hair, it'll grow healthy. Adopting good hair practices should be on the list of everyone. It's time to do away with the bad hair practices. If you're wondering what they are, here goes. Not using hair products Yes, you've bought all the essential products needed to take care of your hair but are you using them? Don’t be that person. Buying products is good but using them is even better. Use the...
- Tags: 4C hair, air dry, bad hair practices, big chop, blow dry, braiding, braids in Ghana, breakage, caring for braids, castor oil, coils, coily hair, damaged hair, detangle, dull hair, eya naturals, Eya Salon, Eya Salon and Spa, good hair practices, growth set, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair damage
The Big Chop
Posted by Main Admin on

One of the many fancy terms you'd come to know and appreciate within the natural hair community is the 'big chop'. This simply means cutting off all your permed hair to reveal your hair in its natural state. For sometime now, big chop has become a buzz-phrase as more and more people take the natural hair route. Before you decide to join the wagon, here are a few things you need to know. Do it for you Don't just follow the trend. If you intend to cut off your hair, do it because you want to not because everyone is...
- Tags: 4C hair, big chop, castor oil, coconut oil, coils, coily hair, color, curls, curly hair, deep conditioning, detangle, eya naturals, Eya Salon, ghana, good hair practices, growth oil, Hair, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair breakage, hair care, hair cut, haircare, natural hair
The Basics of Transitioning
Posted by Main Admin on

Transitioning can be a very confusing time especially because you have to deal with two different textures and possibly routines. The end result is however, very rewarding. Taking the transitioning route to natural hair is a huge step which should not be taken lightly. Most importantly, knowing what to do will save you a great deal and make your hair journey a smooth one. Here are a few things you ought to know. Switch up your hair products If the goal is to have healthy natural hair, then it's time to switch to hair care products which promote healthy hair...
- Tags: 4C hair, Accra, African naturals, African threading, Aloe Vera, bad hair practices, big chop, breakage, breaking, brittle hair, caring for braids, coconut oil, coily hair, coloured, cornrows, curl pattern, dull hair, edges, eya naturals, Eya Salon, good hair practices, growth set, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair loss, hair oils, hair practices, hair products, hair relaxer, hair transitioning, hair treatment, hairstyles, hairstylist, permed, permed hair, perming, relaxed hair, transition, Transitioning
Natural Hair Tools You Need In Your Tool Box
Posted by Main Admin on

Apart from genes and great products, the tools you use on your hair plays a key role in its general health. As a naturalista and an eyanista for that matter, there are some hair care tools you should definitely have in your toolbox. Not only do they make taking care of the hair easier but fun as well. Wide tooth comb This is a giving. You really need to have a wide tooth comb in your tool box. Why? It makes the detangling process smoother and simpler. Plus, you lose little to no hair at all compared to using other...
- Tags: African naturals, African threading, air dry, almond oil, Aloe Vera, bad hair practices, big chop, bleach, bobby pins, bonnet, braiding, chunky twists, detangling brush, leave in, light oils, moisturize, natural hair, natural hair care, natural hair oils, natural hair products, natural oils, protein, shower cap, silk bonnet, wide tooth comb
Unhealthy Hair Practices Which Have Become Normal
Posted by Main Admin on

Natural hair care has become trendy over the years. Unfortunately, the trend hasn't come along with a lot of education on how to take care of it to promote health. The fixation on hair growth supersedes the need to treat the hair right. Consequently, there are a lot of unhealthy hair practices we focus on which have become normal. We draw your attention to such unhealthy hair practices. Using oil to moisturize hair Oiling isn't synonymous with moisturizing. To effectively moisturize, the products you use must be hydrating. If they aren't, you are using the wrong products. Water is key, especially...
- Tags: air dry, bad hair practices, big chop, blow dry, blowdry, Braids, breakage, breaking, bumps, castor oil, chunky twists, damaged hair, detangle, detangling, dry hair, dye, dyed hair, dyes, edges, extensions, eya naturals, Eya Salon, eyanista, genes, good hair practices, grow edges, Hair, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair bonnet, hair breakage, hair care, hair dye, hair edges, Hair Growth, hair inspiration, hair length, hair loss, hair oils, hair practices, hair products, hair retention, hair shrinkage, hair thickness, hair transitioning, hair treatment, hairstyles, healthy hair, healthy hair growth, heat protectant, heat styling, high porosity, long hair, loss of edges, low heat, low porosity, micro fiber, micro fiber towel, moisturize, natural hair, natural hair care, natural hair journey, natural hair oils, natural hair products, natural hair salon, natural oils, ponytail, ponytails, protective style, protective styles, protective styling, protein, protein treatment, tension bumps, tight hairstyles