Posts — African threading
Style Inspiration For The Chic Naturalista
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Let's face it, sometimes we get stuck in the same style as naturalistas. It's not that we don't have options. It's just that it easier to install some hair styles considering our busy schedules. It's time to pack up the bag of excuses and live your full dreams as a naturalista. Don't be stuck on just one hairstyle. There are a wide range of hairstyles to choose from. Let's go!! Bantu knots It's been on your wish list for far too long sis. Just go for it. Bantu knots are not only chic but it brings out your Africanity. If...
- Tags: Accra, African naturals, African threading, Bantu Knots, hairstyles, natural hair, Natural hair blogger, natural hair care, natural hair journey, natural hair oils, natural hair products, natural hair salon, natural hair styles, ponytails, style inspiration
Hair Shrinkage
Posted by Main Admin on

Imagine fantasizing about how you intend to wear your hair and flip it from left to right and then boom, shrinkage happens. Nothing really prepares you for shrinkage. For those who might not know, shrinkage is when your natural hair transitions from stretched and lengthy to more compact and short hair. Basically, as the name suggests, your hair shrinks. Shrinkage is frustrating for a lot of people. Interestingly, our hair (especially 4C hair) shrinks when it loses moisture. To an extent, shrinkage is more of an alarm blower to let us know it's time to hydrate our hair. It also helps us...
- Tags: African threading, banding, chunky twists, Flat Twists, hair oils, hair shrinkage, Kinky Twists, Natural hair blogger, natural hair care, natural hair oils, shrink, shrinkage, threading, twists
Myths And Facts About Natural Hair
Posted by Main Admin on

Keeping natural hair definitely comes with a lot of myths. It's understandable considering the fact that we're still learning a lot about how to keep and maintain our hair. It can be frustrating to decipher between what is a myth and what is a fact. As uncomfortable and frustrating as it may be, experimenting with your hair to know what works and doesn't work seems to be the best way to go. However, there's a general consensus regarding facts on natural hair care. Oils moisturize your hair - myth Hair oils are sealants! Oils help to seal in moisture. Moisturizing...
- Tags: 4C hair, African threading, bad hair practices, bleaching hair, blow dry, blowdry, blowdrying, braiding, Braids, braids in Ghana, breakage, breaking, coily, coily hair, cornrows, curly hair, damaged hair, Deep Condition, deep conditioning, detangle, detangling, detangling brush, detangling conditioner, Easter hair, eya naturals, Eya Salon and Spa, facts, good hair practices, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair breakage, hair care, hair facts, Hair Growth, hair myths, myths
Help! My Hair Has Stopped Growing
Posted by Main Admin on

There comes a time in our hair care journey when we do not see any significant growth. It looks and feels like no matter what you do, your hair just refuses to grow. For a lot of naturalistas, it might even be the case of the hair not getting any thicker or longer. Let's explore why this is happening. Hormones Yes! As women, we tend to go through hormonal changes every month. This could have an effect on the hair growth cycle. When it comes to pregnancy for example, some women tend to experience rapid hair growth during pregnancy and...
- Tags: 4C hair, African naturals, African threading, Aloe Vera, avocado oil, bad hair practices, blow dry, castor oil, chunky twists, damaged hair, Deep Condition, deep conditioning, detangle, detangling, dry hair, eya naturals, Eya Salon, Eya Salon and Spa, eyanista, genes, ghana, good hair practices, growth oil, Hair & Skin Care Blog, Hair Growth, hair growth oil, healthy hair growth, hormones, stress, stress reliever
The Basics of Transitioning
Posted by Main Admin on

Transitioning can be a very confusing time especially because you have to deal with two different textures and possibly routines. The end result is however, very rewarding. Taking the transitioning route to natural hair is a huge step which should not be taken lightly. Most importantly, knowing what to do will save you a great deal and make your hair journey a smooth one. Here are a few things you ought to know. Switch up your hair products If the goal is to have healthy natural hair, then it's time to switch to hair care products which promote healthy hair...
- Tags: 4C hair, Accra, African naturals, African threading, Aloe Vera, bad hair practices, big chop, breakage, breaking, brittle hair, caring for braids, coconut oil, coily hair, coloured, cornrows, curl pattern, dull hair, edges, eya naturals, Eya Salon, good hair practices, growth set, Hair & Skin Care Blog, hair loss, hair oils, hair practices, hair products, hair relaxer, hair transitioning, hair treatment, hairstyles, hairstylist, permed, permed hair, perming, relaxed hair, transition, Transitioning