
Dandruff? You Need To Read This

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Dandruff? You Need To Read This

If you've ever had dandruff, then you know how uncomfortable it can get. Those dry, flaky, whitish substance in hair which becomes difficult to hide sometimes. Not only is dandruff uncomfortable but very irritating to say the least. Have you tried to treat it to no avail? Before you give up on finding a remedy, let's try to address a few issues. What is dandruff? Dandruff is a fungal infection caused by the fungus known as Malassezia. This fungus feeds on excess sebum or oils on the scalp. It usually multiples and becomes very itchy.  Causes of dandruff When it comes...

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Unhealthy Hair Practices Which Have Become Normal

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Unhealthy Hair Practices Which Have Become Normal

Natural hair care has become trendy over the years. Unfortunately, the trend hasn't come along with a lot of education on how to take care of it to promote health. The fixation on hair growth supersedes the need to treat the hair right. Consequently, there are a lot of unhealthy hair practices we focus on which have become normal. We draw your attention to such unhealthy hair practices. Using oil to moisturize hair Oiling isn't synonymous with moisturizing. To effectively moisturize, the products you use must be hydrating. If they aren't, you are using the wrong products. Water is key, especially...

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Hair Growth - Myths and Facts

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Hair Growth - Myths and Facts

We all have a tall list of things we want our hair to be but we can safely say that growth seems to be on everyone's list. Of course, hair growth is desirable. Healthy hair ought to be the goal but since you're not ready to have that conversation, let us burst your bubble with the following myths and facts about hair growth. Products alone can grow hair We get a lot of enquiries about products growing hair quickly. The truth is, products alone cannot grow hair let alone grow it quickly. Having a healthy hair regimen or routine, good...

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Contemplating Texturizing

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Contemplating Texturizing

Who else had a rude awakening after transitioning or having the big chop? The difference between caring for permed hair and natural hair is vast. There's no middle ground. The initial reaction of 'OMG what have I gotten myself into?' is surreal. For some of us, our main concern is the inability to comb the hair. Imagine the 'stress-free' life of combing permed hair willy-nilly only to wake up one day to natural hair which breaks all your combs. Let's forget about the combs we lost to our hair for a minute and think of the hurdles we need to...

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Growing Back Your Edges

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Growing Back Your Edges

Let's be honest. Growing back edges is one of the difficult things to do in the natural hair care process. It also takes a lot of patience, effort and time. It's not for the faint hearted. The problem with a lot of us is that we want a quick fix. Allow us to burst your bubble. There's no quick fix with growing back your edges.  What is the problem? The disturbing thing about losing our edges is that in most cases, we lose them due to bad hair practices of which we are all guilty off. What business do you...

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